A Great Prayer


A Great Prayer


Help me today 

to shut up,

to listen up,

to open up, and

to lighten up.

You have a lot more

to show and tell me 

more than I have to show you and tell you.

Please be patient with me.

Allow me a glimpse, give me a hint  of what is really going on around me

as I walk, watch, wonder, and work throughout this unfolding day.

I now need 

        to worry a lot less,

to  stop over-reaching,

to be calmer and

not insist I am special or right.

The world does not revolve around me.

I am not or will be anyone’s savior.

I must look up and out than in.

I must try harder to be



less grouchy, and

a more sensitive human being.

Gracious God, let me pray my life,

and live my prayers.


Morning Prayer - 2.20.24 by The Very Rev. Randy Hollerith

Dean, Washington National Cathedral


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